A brief introduction in magic

Overview Magic is omnipresent in the world. It surrounds everything. Mages describe it as streams which are flowing underneath them and which they can use to shape things. These streams are like the purest form of energy, so they are often called the essence of everything. It is believed that there was nothing before these […]

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Ren is the land where Ren’s Underworld takes place. It’s a small coastal land lying in the south. On the east it is bounded by the ocean, in the west it adjoines to Loren and in the north to Silen. The land is narrow and can be crossed in a few days marches, however its […]

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Hello Dina, the world of Ren

Dina The world is called Dina. Dina is the fourth planet distant from the sun Adela and the only astronomical object known to harbor life. Dina revolves around the sun in 400 days. Dina has 3 moons: Mortus, Riane and Cora. About 80% of Dina’s surface is covered with water, mostly by oceans. The remaining […]

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